Sustainability Management System
We identified our priorities in line with our sustainability strategy and implemented the “Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Sustainability Management System” in 2017 in order to integrate sustainability into our business models and to make the concept of sustainability a part of the corporate culture.
Our sustainability policies form the basis this system managed by our Sustainability Committee. Therefore, we share our sustainability activities with internal stakeholders through relevant procedures.
Sustainability Committee is responsible for the updates and annual review of our Sustainability Management System. The roles and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Sustainability Committee and the members of the Sustainability Committee are detailed in the Sustainability Committee Internal Charter and relevant procedures.
Activities conducted in scope of the Sustainability Management System are monitored by the upper management; targets set with the system are updated if necessary, as part of our mission to continually increase environmental and social performance.
There are periodically updated procedures that define the processes, roles and responsibilities on the issues listed below in scope of the Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Sustainability Management System:
- Evaluation of Internal Environmental Impacts
- Evaluation of External Environmental Impacts
- Setting Goals and Objectives
- Training
- Internal and External Communication
- Document Review
- Internal Control and Internal Audit
- Management Review
The principles regarding environmental management and monitoring of our environmental impacts are defined in the Evaluation of Internal Environmental Impacts and Evaluation of External Environmental Impacts procedures, which are part of our Sustainability Management System. We identify our environmental and social risks, set goals and targets and prioritize action plans guided by our system and the relevant procedures.
Internal Audit and Management Review
All activities conducted in scope of our Sustainability Management System are subject to annual internal audits. The scope, frequency, methodology of the audits and the roles and responsibilities are defined in the Internal Control and Internal Audit Procedure.
We report our environmental and social performance monitored by our Sustainability Management System to our executive committee annually. We ensure the appropriateness, sufficiency and the efficiency of our system through these management review meetings. The principles of the management review process are defined in the Management Review Procedure.
Employee Health and Safety
One of our most important priorities is to ensure safe and health working conditions for our employees. We have Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Committees in all our workplaces and carry out all activities regarding health and safety in compliance with the Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety. Our Occupational Health and Safety Committees include a union representative along with an employer representative. Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik headquarters OHS Committee is chaired by the Human Resources and Training Department Manager, and our committees in the rest of our locations have employee representatives. Our OHS committees meet quarterly and all our workplaces employ OHS experts and workplace physicians.
Every new employee is given an informational training on OHS and our Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. All employees are given basic OHS training as required by the Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety.