
Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik is a constituent of BIST Sustainability Index, which is composed of companies quoted at BIST with high financial, environmental, social and corporate sustainability performances.
Detailed information about our sustainability strategy and our membership to global organizations.
Our Strategy
We are serving sustainable development with an objective focusing on continuity of life standards of individuals during their productive periods since our establishment as a company operating in private pension and life insurance sector. We are proud to be the pioneer of the sector with both our products and our social responsibility projects for a “Sustainable Future”.

We see the sustainability as an integral part of our business in order to contribute the community development and to leave a more livable world for future generations, and we realize projects that integrate the sustainability to all of our processes based on our motto “Good Future for Everyone”

Our sustainability strategy based on multi-layered objectives;
  • We are committed to create economic, environmental and social value in long term with all our activities.
  • We are committed to act under a sense of responsibility within the framework of combating the climate change and adaptation, and we develop projects in order to reduce the impacts of the climate change.
  • We aim to increase positive impact in our activities by prioritizing the concept of responsible investment.
  • We provide financial solutions which will satisfy the needs and expectations for the sustainability of society.
  • We develop public awareness on securing the future with our stakeholder communications activities.
  • We create long-term and stable pension funds.
  • We provide a fair working environment respecting human rights and employee rights.
  • We strive to provide continuous customer satisfaction.
  • We internalize the concept of sustainability within our company, we continuously improve our practices within this framework and share them with all of our stakeholders.
Our Policy
Our Purpose
We are supporting the improvement of individuals’ living standards and facilitating their continuity since our establishment as a private pension and life insurance company which incorporates sustainability to its core values. We are serving for sustainable development by contributing to national economy’s progress with the aim of improving living standards in society.

We carry on our activities under the missions of improving individuals’ awareness for securing their future, providing financial solutions meeting their needs and developing long-term and stable pension funds.

Our sustainability policy establishes the basic principles and procedures targeting to minimize adverse environmental and social impacts related to both our Company’s and customers’ businesses and other activities while maximizing positive impacts.
Our Responsibilities
Our general management is responsible for updating and implementing the sustainability policy. We review our policy at least once annually and update it if necessary.
Our General Principles
  • We measure environmental and social impacts that occur due to our activities and target to improve adverse impacts.
  • We measure, monitor, aim to reduce and neutralize our carbon footprint annually within the scope of the fight against global climate change.
  • We are committed to conduct fund management activities with an awareness of our environmental and social responsibilities; in accordance with our corporate know-how, we evaluate private sector borrowings and investment decisions for securities involved in the “Sensitive Sectors” specified in our sustainability policy, and we submit such evaluations to the Executive Board for approval.
  • We avoid providing funds to investments that are within the scope of “Uninvestable Activities” including such prohibited and/or restricted by national legislation and international conventions to which Turkey is a party, within our knowledge.
  • We are committed to support several green investments, investment instruments such as green/sustainable bonds and responsible investors involved in sustainability indices, notably renewable energy on investment decisions for domestic and overseas debt instruments within the scope of the fund management activities.
  • We display an exemplary and leading role in the sector with our corporate social responsibility projects developed in line with our strategy and goals.
  • We closely monitor national and international developments by taking part in sustainability initiatives.
  • Our principle is to disallow bribery and corruption in line with the ethical and moral rules of our company while taking disciplinary action against such deeds.
  • We intend to maintain long-lasting collaborations with our colleagues within the framework of respecting human rights and employee rights and by providing equal opportunities.
  • We intend to develop our products and services that support community development from a sustainability point of view and create sustainability-themed products.
  • We aim to provide continuous customer satisfaction.
  • We select our suppliers in line with the commercial practices, in a fair, honest and impartial manner. We are committed to include suppliers that apply local and environment friendly practices in order to support local and low-carbon economy in our procurement processes, provided that they comply with our company’s legislation.
  • We contribute to raising awareness for sustainability among our colleagues and in society by supporting training and competency development activities.
  • We manage our activities conducted within this scope under a transparent and accountable structure.
Sensitive Sectors
In our fund management activities within the scope of our sustainability policy; we define ; nuclear energy, coal-fired thermal power plants, gambling and games of chance and firearm industry as “sensitive sectors”. We evaluate private sector borrowings and investment decisions for securities in these sectors within the scope of corporate know-how, and we submit such decisions to the Executive Board for approval.
Uninvestable Activities
We do not finance companies operating in the following areas and/or the following ways within our knowledge;
  • Production and trading of products and activities that are prohibited pursuant to the applicable local legislation and/or international conventions. Related prohibitions involve the following areas of activity including, but not limited to:
    • Production and/or trading of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides and ozone depleting substances that are prohibited under international conventions.Production and/or trading of ozone depleting substances.
    • Trading in wildlife and wildlife products regulated under CITES Agreement 1
    • Cross-border trading of wastes and waste products that do not comply with Basel Convention and the other related international conventions to which our country is a party.
    • Production and/or trading of PCBs2 or prohibited types of asbestos or products containing them.
  • Activities involving forced labor and harmful child labor3 and activities where child labor is prohibited under the national and international legislation.
  • Activities that lead to significant change, damage or destruction of the cultural properties included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List and UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List.
  • Manufacturing weapons of mass destruction and land mines.
  • Activities carried out in the wetlands that are designated as RAMSAR sites under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR Convention).
  • Diamond mining and trading of diamonds in countries which are not included to “Kimberley” process.
  • Activities in which drift-nets are used in hunting of fisheries.
  • Affairs related to pornography or prostitution.
  • Transportation of oil and other hazardous substances via tankers that do not comply with the requirements of International Maritime Organization (IMO).
1 CITES: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl): A group of highly toxic chemicals that are found in oil-filled electrical transformers, capacitors and switch-gear particularly dating from 1950-1985.

3 The minimum age limit of child labor shall comply with the provisions defined in ILO’s Conventions on Fundamental Human Rights and the national legislation.
Our sustainability policy and amendments made thereto shall come into force as of the date of its approval by our Board of Directors.

Countering Bribery and Anti-corruption, Gift and Entertainment, Human Rights and Human Resources policies are available in our intranet and are shared with our employees routinely.

All contracts made with our business partners are executed in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and all relevant policies are accessible in our website for all our agents, franchises, suppliers and other business partners. Our relevant policies can be accessed from the links below.

There were no incidents of bribery or corruption in 2022.

The information provided in this website/policy has been prepared in Turkish and in English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two, the Turkish version shall prevail.
Sustainability Reports
Our Sustainability Reports, prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and can be accessed via the links below, provide detailed information on our approaches and commitments to the social, economic and environmental impacts arising from our activities, our sustainability initiatives and actions, the performance results we have achieved and our future perspective.

Sustainability Committee
Our sustainability committee meets every six months and it is responsible for preparing our sustainability strategy, goals and related policies, integrating the said to all of our Company’s business processes, coordinating activities that are within the scope of sustainability, following up performance and determining necessary training within the scope of sustainability.
Structure of Our Committee

As Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, environmental impacts resulting from our workplace and business process activities are mostly water, electricity and natural gas consumed in our workplaces, and fuel consumption from company vehicles, personnel services and business travels. We regularly collect data to minimize the environmental impact of our direct operations and ensure the carbon footprint resulting from our operational activities is neutralized every year. We also configure the company structure and human resources in line with the sustainability targets, we regularly identify the measures that can be taken for emission reduction through our Sustainability Committee and monitor their realization. With the motto “Sustainable Future”, we aim to develop both our corporate social responsibility projects and the products and services we have prepared specifically for women, youth and children segments in order to contribute to social development and leave a livable world for future generations.
Our Practices
Sustainability Management System
We identified our priorities in line with our sustainability strategy and implemented the “Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Sustainability Management System” in 2017 in order to integrate sustainability into our business models and to make the concept of sustainability a part of the corporate culture.

Our sustainability policies form the basis this system managed by our Sustainability Committee. Therefore, we share our sustainability activities with internal stakeholders through relevant procedures.
Sustainability Committee is responsible for the updates and annual review of our Sustainability Management System. The roles and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Sustainability Committee and the members of the Sustainability Committee are detailed in the Sustainability Committee Internal Charter and relevant procedures.

Activities conducted in scope of the Sustainability Management System are monitored by the upper management; targets set with the system are updated if necessary, as part of our mission to continually increase environmental and social performance.

There are periodically updated procedures that define the processes, roles and responsibilities on the issues listed below in scope of the Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Sustainability Management System:

- Evaluation of Internal Environmental Impacts
- Evaluation of External Environmental Impacts
- Setting Goals and Objectives
- Training
- Internal and External Communication
- Document Review
- Internal Control and Internal Audit
- Management Review

The principles regarding environmental management and monitoring of our environmental impacts are defined in the Evaluation of Internal Environmental Impacts and Evaluation of External Environmental Impacts procedures, which are part of our Sustainability Management System. We identify our environmental and social risks, set goals and targets and prioritize action plans guided by our system and the relevant procedures.
Internal Audit and Management Review
All activities conducted in scope of our Sustainability Management System are subject to annual internal audits. The scope, frequency, methodology of the audits and the roles and responsibilities are defined in the Internal Control and Internal Audit Procedure.

We report our environmental and social performance monitored by our Sustainability Management System to our executive committee annually. We ensure the appropriateness, sufficiency and the efficiency of our system through these management review meetings. The principles of the management review process are defined in the Management Review Procedure.
Employee Health and Safety
One of our most important priorities is to ensure safe and health working conditions for our employees. We have Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Committees in all our workplaces and carry out all activities regarding health and safety in compliance with the Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety. Our Occupational Health and Safety Committees include a union representative along with an employer representative. Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik headquarters OHS Committee is chaired by the Human Resources and Training Department Manager, and our committees in the rest of our locations have employee representatives. Our OHS committees meet quarterly and all our workplaces employ OHS experts and workplace physicians.

Every new employee is given an informational training on OHS and our Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. All employees are given basic OHS training as required by the Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety.

Carbon Footprint Management
Sustainability is gaining more importance each passing day as the adverse impact of population growth and rise in consumption on environment is increasing gradually, plus the ecological balance disrupted due to global climate change is becoming a threat to future generations.

We act with the awareness of the necessity of carbon management within the scope of combating climate change. Therefore, we became carbon neutral by evaluating our carbon footprint arising from our activities in 2016 and 2017 and paying for the corresponding amount of carbon credit and providing financial support to renewable energy projects. We will continue our endeavors in future as well to zero our carbon footprint.

Scope-1 - Direct Emissions: AHE Scope-1 calculation includes greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas consumption, company vehicles, generators, chillers, ventilation and fire extinguishing systems.
Scope-2 - Energy Indirect Emissions: AHE Scope-2 calculation includes greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use..
Scope-3 - Other Emissions AHE Scope-3 calculation includes greenhouse gas emissions arising from personnel transportation services, taxi travels, bus travels, aircraft flights and paper consumption.
*Due to the relocation of some offices at the end of 2018, the total office area occupied by Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik employees was increased in 2019. Our GHG emissions intensity per usage area remained the same compared to the previous year.
**Due to the electricity used in 2021 and 2022 is supplied entirely from renewable energy sources, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik prevented a significant emission by reducing its Scope-2 emissions.
Management of Environmental Impacts
We routinely monitor and report the impacts arising from our offices and business activities as part of our principles of measuring and improving our environmental impacts, which are amongst the basic principles of our sustainability policy. Our environmental impacts as Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik come from the consumption of potable water, electricity and natural gas in our offices and the fuels consumed through our company cars, employee commuting and business travel. In addition, we monitor and report the amount of paper we consume and the waste we generate annually as well. Our performance regarding energy consumption, water consumption, paper consumption and waste generation can be reviewed in the tables below:
Energy consumption (GJ)

Paper consumption, water consumption and waste generation

As a result of our activities towards managing our environmental impacts, our Manzara Adalar Offices were certified to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold status given by the US Green Building Council (USGBC). In addition to our environmental management efforts, we utilize recycled paper and materials in our promotional materials such as calendars and our annual reports to further reduce our indirect impacts.

Renewable energy certificate (I-REC) is obtained for the Headquarters, Customer Service Center and domestic regional offices.

Our Company monitors the relevant legislation daily and this monitoring includes environmental legislation as well. There were no incidents of environmental incompliance or environmental fines faced by Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik in 2022.
Waste Management For Spent Coffee Grounds
The coffee, which is among the most consumed beverages, leaves behind wastes like plastics.

Within the scope of our sustainability activities, we started upcycling the spent coffee grounds accumulated in our offices, in cooperation with Wastespresso, by performing the micro waste management of coffee grounds. The raw materials required for disposable/multi-use products that are 100% biodegradable are obtained from these wastes. By minimizing carbon emissions from our coffee grounds, we support providing alternatives to plastic products that cannot be dissolved in nature for a long time. Thus, we create environmental value and contribute to the circular economy.

Sustainability Equity Fund
Sustainable Future: A Good Future for Everyone

With this fund, we offer our private pension customers the opportunity to invest in stocks listed in Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index and international sustainability indices. In this way, our customers can channel their savings by purchasing the stocks of companies in domestic and international sustainability indices that are highly conscious in areas such as natural resources, global warming, health, security, employment, and responsible investments.
Women's Empowerment Principles
In 2018, we have signed Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a partnership initiative of United Nations Women and United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) that provide guidance to help the private sector focus on key elements integral to promoting gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and community.

WEPs offer seven steps to guide business on how to empower women. We affirm our commitment to using these principles as a guidance for actions that will be taken in the company and community to empower women by joining this global movement.

Principle 1: Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality

Principle 2: Treat all women and men fairly at work – respect and support human rights and nondiscrimination

Principle 3: Ensure the health, safety and well-being of all women and men workers

Principle 4: Promote education, training and professional development for women

Principle 5: Implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women

Principle 6: Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy

Principle 7: Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality

The platform has more than 2050 members. Turkey, with nearly 300 members, is among the countries with the highest number of members.
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The Women Entrepreneurs Association of Türkiye (KAGIDER) Equal Opportunities Model Certificate
As Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, we have been awarded with the Equal Opportunities Model (FEM) Certificate by KAGİDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey). The purpose of the FEM certification, developed with the technical support of the World Bank, is to promote gender equality in business life and increase women's productivity. The model is designed so to be audited by independent agencies that will issue a recommendation to KAGİDER related to the status of the organization that has been evaluated.

The purpose of FEM is to identify inequalities in processes such as recruitment, training, career planning, and development, and to eliminate approaches based on gender discrimination in the workplace. Within this scope, independent audit firms determine whether organizations prioritize opportunity equality in management, recruitment and selection processes, training, performance evaluation and promotion opportunities, career support practices, monitoring feedback and complaints, as well as communication and advertising. Our company has been deemed worthy of the Equal Opportunities Model (FEM) certification based on the evaluation of an independent audit organization, within a total of 22 criteria, including the following 7 main criteria, along with strong practices and indicators related to human resources and wage policies, high ratios of female employees and female executives, return-to-work rates after childbirth, unionization rates, and contributions to opportunity and gender equality in terms of career, development, learning, and employee well-being.
7 Main Criteria

1. Commitment of management to opportunity equality

2. Opportunity equality in recruitment and selection

3. Equality in access to training opportunities

4. Opportunity equality in performance evaluation and promotion

5. Career support practices

6. Monitoring of feedback and complaints

7. Communication and corporate advertising
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Carbon Footprint Management
Sustainability is gaining more importance each passing day as the adverse impact of population growth and rise in consumption on environment is increasing gradually, plus the ecological balance disrupted due to global climate change is becoming a threat to future generations.

We implemented the Carbon Footprint Management Project with an awareness for the necessity of carbon management within the scope of the fight against climate change. Therefore, we became carbon neutral by evaluating our carbon footprint arising from our activities in 2016 and 2017 and paying for the corresponding amount of carbon credit and providing financial support to renewable energy projects. We will continue our endeavors in future as well to zero our carbon footprint.

Scope-1 - Direct Emissions: AHE Scope-1 calculation includes greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas consumption, company vehicles, generators, chillers, ventilation and fire extinguishing systems.
Scope-2 - Energy Indirect Emissions: AHE Scope-2 calculation includes greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use..
Scope-3 - Other Emissions AHE Scope-3 calculation includes greenhouse gas emissions arising from personnel transportation services, taxi travels, bus travels, aircraft flights and paper consumption.
*Due to the relocation of some offices at the end of 2018, the total office area occupied by Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik employees was increased in 2019. Our GHG emissions intensity per usage area remained the same compared to the previous year.
**Due to the global-scale Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, electricity consumption, service usage and travels decreased significantly in 2020 compared to previous years, in line with the precautionary remote work of employees. The significant reduction in Scope-2 and Scope-3 emissions is due to the reduction in these emission sources.
Management of Environmental Impacts
We routinely monitor and report the impacts arising from our offices and business activities as part of our principles of measuring and improving our environmental impacts, which are amongst the basic principles of our sustainability policy. Our environmental impacts as Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik come from the consumption of potable water, electricity and natural gas in our offices and the fuels consumed through our company cars, employee commuting and business travel. In addition, we monitor and report the amount of paper we consume and the waste we generate annually as well. Our performance regarding energy consumption, water consumption, paper consumption and waste generation can be reviewed in the tables below:
Energy consumption (GJ)

Paper consumption, water consumption and waste generation

As a result of our activities towards managing our environmental impacts, our Manzara Adalar Offices were certified to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold status given by the US Green Building Council (USGBC). In addition to our environmental management efforts, we utilize recycled paper and materials in our promotional materials such as calendars and our annual reports to further reduce our indirect impacts.

Renewable energy certificate (I-REC) is obtained for the Headquarters, Customer Service Center and domestic regional offices.

Our Company monitors the relevant legislation daily and this monitoring includes environmental legislation as well. There were no incidents of environmental incompliance or environmental fines faced by Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik in 2021
United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI)
We led the way in our sector by becoming a member of UNEP-FI, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative on 27/04/2017. We are the first and only private pension and life insurance company from Turkey to join the said global partnership established between United Nations Environment Programme and the financial sector.

UNEP-FI closely works with over 170 financial institutions with the aim of developing and promoting links among the environment, sustainability and financial development. With this membership, we are sharing information with the companies engaged in similar activities through our journey towards sustainability. We also exchange ideas on many issues such as development of new products and the benefits may be incorporated to the insurance activities in terms of sustainability.
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United Nations Global Compact
In order to spread a sustainable and common global development culture all over the world by taking our work in the field of "Sustainable Future" to the next level, in 2021 we became a participant member of the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, which encourages companies to develop practices that are sustainable and in line with their social responsibilities. As of 2023, we became a member of the Global Compact Signatories Association.

The UN Global Compact supports companies worldwide to align their strategies and operations with the 10 Principles in human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption, while also leading the business world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Human Rights
  • Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  • Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  • Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
  • Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  • Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
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United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)
In 2021, we became a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) by adding another global partnership to our worldwide collaboration that would guide us through our sustainability journey.

UN PRI, an investor initiative in partnership with the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), and the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), which we are a participant of, encourages its signatory companies to make responsible investments and cooperates for this purpose. We are proud to be part of this growing global community. As a UN PRI signatory, we are committed to adopting six fundamental principles aimed at achieving a sustainable global financial system that benefits the environment and society:
  • Principle 1: We will incorporate ESG (Environmental, social and corporate governance) issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
  • Principle 2: We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
  • Principle 3: We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
  • Principle 4: We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
  • Principle 5: We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
  • Principle 6: We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.
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Business Council for Sustainable Development

In 2023, we became a member of Business Council for Sustainable Development Türkiye, which is the regional network and business partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Türkiye, and which shares the sustainability issues brought by this cooperation with its members, including the use of the working groups, and with its departments on various platforms. Business Council for Sustainable Development, works on Türkiye's sustainability in 5 focus areas within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to increase the awareness and impact of the business world on sustainable development.

5 Focus Areas:
  • Transition to Low Carbon Economy and Efficiency
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Access to Food
  • Sustainable Industry and Circular Economy
  • Social Inclusion and Inclusivity
  • Sustainable Finance and Risk Management
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Green Buildings Certificate (LEED)
Our Customer Service Center located in Kartal Manzara Adalar has been awarded the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certificate on December 11, 2019 granted by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) under the category of 'Commercial Interiors' with its environmentally friendly and user comfort oriented design and construction applications. The project has aimed to create a healthy and modern working environment based on sustainability criteria from the concept stage, and various environmentalist features have been integrated into the design and construction process.

In our Customer Service Center, we have achieved approximately 30% savings in energy consumption for lighting by implementing efficient lighting design and armatures. We have reduced our water consumption by over 40% using efficient water faucets. We have designed the mechanical systems to provide enhanced fresh air to the spaces in order to increase the indoor air quality. For the construction materials, we preferred products having ‘Environmental Product Declaration’ with reduced environmental impact beginning from the construction stage. More than 90% of our office spaces receive daylight thanks to the convenient window-to-facade ratio and the specifications of the glass used in the building. Due to the open office scheme, more than 95% of utilized spaces offer a wide visibility. We have designed an environment where everyone can feel at home on three floors on a total of 3,461 square meters of space, with small chat rooms, common areas, playgrounds and lean table arrangements.

* The LEED® certification trademark is owned by the U.S. Green Building Council®
Upcycling Movement
Our lifelong consumption journey begins as soon as we are born. The earth’s air, water, resources… We continue to consume natural resources unconsciously as a result of all our activities to sustain our lives, like transportation, heating, eating and drinking, plus our rapidly rising needs. This increase in our needs is preventing the renewal of natural resources. Our world's climate is changing. Greenhouse gas emissions, arising from these activities and reflected as environmental pollution, climate crisis and the risk of depleting natural resources, are becoming more alarming.

As our consumption levels rise day by day, we tend to buy new things instead of repairing and reusing them and we forget our old belongings in deep drawers or just throw them away.

As Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, we are now committed to break this cycle. We have initiated the “Upcycling Movement” in order to reduce the increasing amount of waste. Our main goal is to demonstrate that transforming our unused belongings and reusing them by giving them another function is a solution that we can easily implement in our daily lives. We can reduce our waste through upcycling, a simple but effective method. Reducing air pollution, water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by lowering the amount of waste through decreased consumption are some of the benefits of upcycling.

Upcycling, unlike recycling, is a creative process in which waste is viewed as a resource. In recycling, objects are broken down into parts for reuse, while in upcycling, this process reuses materials in creative new ways to give them another function, therefore a second chance. For example, in recycling, an unused glass jar is broken to pieces and melted to be reshaped, while in upcycling, we transform that unused jar into a soap dispenser, giving it a new function.

Our goal is to reach as many people as possible and make upcycling a part of their daily life. By joining the “Upcycling Movement”, you can be a part of the solution for our world’s sustainable future through actualizing these simple ideas that can be applied by everyone of all ages and by producing without consuming.

You can follow our activities on our YouTube channel or AHE Blog, and reevaluate your unused belongings.

Upcycle and change the future!
Women's Empowerment Principles
In 2018, we have signed Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a partnership initiative of United Nations Women and United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) that provide guidance to help the private sector focus on key elements integral to promoting gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and community.

WEPs offer seven steps to guide business on how to empower women. We affirm our commitment to using these principles as a guidance for actions that will be taken in the company and community to empower women by joining this global movement.

Principle 1: Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality

Principle 2: Treat all women and men fairly at work – respect and support human rights and nondiscrimination

Principle 3: Ensure the health, safety and well-being of all women and men workers

Principle 4: Promote education, training and professional development for women

Principle 5: Implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women

Principle 6: Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy

Principle 7: Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality

The platform has more than 2050 members. Turkey, with nearly 300 members, is among the countries with the highest number of members.
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Tohum Kumbaram
The seed stands as nature's most precious gift, essential for the sustainability of life. It serves as nature's paramount upcycling model, utilizing its own ecosystem for sustainable processes. It embodies the essence of life and serves as the assurance for our future.

Initiated in December 2022 through our collaboration with the Buğday Association for Supporting Ecological Living in Turkey, the Tohum Kumbaram (My Seed Box) project endeavors to instill seed awareness in children and their parents, fortify children's connections with nature, and foster their awareness and development of responsibilities towards the environment.

With a vision for a better future, we aspire to instill the habit of seed-saving at an early age among urban children, fostering awareness of the production-consumption balance and promoting an upcycling culture. The Tohum Kumbaram (My Seed Box) project aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically contributing to 'Responsible Production and Consumption' and 'Life on Land'.

Initiated during the 2022 academic year, our efforts persist as we deliver interactive classes and workshops to first and second-grade students in primary schools across Istanbul and neighboring cities. By offering online training for teachers unable to attend face-to-face workshops but eager to incorporate seeds into their curriculum, we aim to enlist educators as active project participants and potential ambassadors, thereby expanding our reach to impact more children.

Over the course of the 3-year program, our aim is to directly reach 25,000 children through training, workshops, and various activities, with the additional goal of creating a ripple effect of awareness among a wider audience, including parents and other family members indirectly influenced by their children's participation.

Tohum Kumbaram
The seed stands as nature's most precious gift, essential for the sustainability of life. It serves as nature's paramount upcycling model, utilizing its own ecosystem for sustainable processes. It embodies the essence of life and serves as the assurance for our future.

Initiated in December 2022 through our collaboration with the Buğday Association for Supporting Ecological Living in Turkey, the Tohum Kumbaram (My Seed Box) project endeavors to instill seed awareness in children and their parents, fortify children's connections with nature, and foster their awareness and development of responsibilities towards the environment.

With a vision for a better future, we aspire to instill the habit of seed-saving at an early age among urban children, fostering awareness of the production-consumption balance and promoting an upcycling culture. The Tohum Kumbaram (My Seed Box) project aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically contributing to 'Responsible Production and Consumption' and 'Life on Land'.

Initiated during the 2022 academic year, our efforts persist as we deliver interactive classes and workshops to first and second-grade students in primary schools across Istanbul and neighboring cities. By offering online training for teachers unable to attend face-to-face workshops but eager to incorporate seeds into their curriculum, we aim to enlist educators as active project participants and potential ambassadors, thereby expanding our reach to impact more children.

Over the course of the 3-year program, our aim is to directly reach 25,000 children through training, workshops, and various activities, with the additional goal of creating a ripple effect of awareness among a wider audience, including parents and other family members indirectly influenced by their children's participation.

As Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, our goal is to provide an inclusive, accessible and equal customer experience for everyone on our digital channels. In this regard, we partnered with BlindLook and became one of the "EyeBrand" certified companies. On our corporate website and our digital channels AHE Online and AHE Mobile, we offer audio guidance using BlindLook's audio simulation technology. In this way, we want to ensure that visually impaired individuals can benefit from our products and services without any barriers.
How to Use BlindLook:
In order to benefit from BlindLook's audio simulation services, visually impaired individuals must register on the BlindLook's website or application. Then, by clicking on Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik's brand profile on the EyeBrand page, which includes all collaborating brands, the steps to be followed on our corporate website and digital channels can be completed independently through process-oriented simulations.
Contact Us
For your questions, comments and recommendations regarding the practices of Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik in the area of sustainability:

E-mail Address: